TEFL gives you Flexibility

TEFL gives you Flexibility to travel and teach anywhere in the world. It’s gives you instant choice to a number of different countries and cultures around the world. You can get qualified with the 120 Hour TEFL Course and the 2 Specialist courses and find yourself in a new job with a great salary and a free apartment. At the moment we are looking for teachers in China. You can expect up to $2500, free flights, free apartment and a bonus at the end of the contract . We also have similar deals for Korea. China might appeal if you haven’t got a degree. http://bit.ly/1CR01HH

TEFL gives you Flexibility

A good way to view a TEFL Course is to teach for 1 or 2 years and then use the skills you have learnt while you were teaching and bring them to a new job. Employers are constantly looking for individuals who stand out and who are excellent communicators. Teaching will definitely help you improve communication skills and the confidence to stand up in front of people. I remember standing up in front of a group of students for the first time. I forgot to breathe! Overtime I became more and more confident at standing up at the front of the class. The nerves and the communication skills you pick up along the way are all part of the process. One thing is for sure and that is after a few months of teaching you will have gained a great number of new skills and will look at the world from a different perspective.

TEFL gives you flexibility and a new perspective of the world!

One of the most important skills to becoming an excellent leader are empathy, emotional intelligence and perspective taking. The course from Enjoy TEFL is designed to build these skills and help you develop them.

Enjoy TEFL!